Use Mailman to setup and maintain mailing lists for
your organization! With Mailman, you can moderate the list and allow
control of their accounts. Its features include:
- Web based list administration for nearly all tasks, including list
configuration, moderation (post approvals), management of user
- Web based subscribing and unsubscribing, and user
configuration management. Users can temporarily disable their
accounts, select digest modes, hide their email addresses from
other members, etc.
- Per-list privacy features, such as closed-subscriptions, private
archives, private membership rosters, etc.
- Configurable (per-list and per-user) delivery mode
- Regular (immediate) delivery
- MIME digest
- Plain (RFC 934) digests
- Integrated bounce detection within an extensible framework.
Automatic disposition of bouncing addresses (disable,
- A customizable home page for each mailing list.
- Support for virtual domains.
- Integrated spam filters.
- Automatic web-based Hypermail-style archiving, with hooks for
external archivers such as MHonArc.
- Integrated Usenet gatewaying.
- Integrated auto-replies.
- Majordomo-style email based commands.
- Multiple list owners and moderators are possible.
Please send mail to, or call our office at 888-4-DCANET, if you are interested in Mailman.