What is bandwidth usage on my web site?
Many of DCANet's web hosting products include a phrase regarding bandwidth usage of the web site. What does this mean?
Most simply, bandwidth usage is a measure of the size of all the documents that your web site has sent out for a given period of time. Every time someone on the Internet requests a document on your web site, our web server software measures how many bytes are sent in response to the request. Here's a simple example: Foo Corp. has a web site, the Foo Corp home page, that consists of a single page of HTML and a single .GIF graphic image. The HTML document is 1024 bytes in size, and the .GIF graphic is 19,456 bytes in size.
During the month of May, 3000 users on the Internet looked at the Foo Corp. home page. So the Foo Corp. bandwidth usage for the month of May would be calculated as follows:
Since there are (1024 * 1000) bytes in a megabyte, 61440000 bytes is equal to exactly 60 megabytes of bandwidth usage for the month of May. DCANet provides our customers with site statistics and easy access to the web server's log files, which are the files that are used to compute the bandwidth charge. |